From the course: Digital Audio Foundations

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Types of DAWs

Types of DAWs

- There are lots of capable digital audio work stations available, with different histories, strengths, and weaknesses. I like to sort audio software into five categories, based on the software's particular strengths. First, there are DAWs which have their roots in MIDI. We'll definite MIDI in detail in other videos. Most of these DAWs started in the 1980s as MIDI sequencers, and over time, added an audio recording. These DAWs have historically offered the most powerful composition and MIDI manipulation tools. Logic, Digital Performer, Cubase, and more fall into this category. Secondly, there are DAWs with roots in audio. Most of these started in the 1990s as audio-only, and over time, added MIDI sequencing and other capabilities. These programs have a history of efficient workflows for recording, editing, and mixing multi-track performances, because they were originally designed to take the place of a mixer and multi-track tape. Pro Tools, SAWStudio, REAPER, and many others fall into…
