From the course: Learning Access 2016

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Create a report using the Report Wizard

Create a report using the Report Wizard

From the course: Learning Access 2016

Create a report using the Report Wizard

- [Voiceover] The Access report object is great for taking your data and organizing it for the printed page. Let's build a quick report that organizes the data being returned by the check-in details query and sorts it out for each room at the hotel. To do this, I'm going to come up to the Create tab, and I'll find the Reports section over here. From here, I'm going to choose the Report Wizard option. Now just like when building our query, the first thing we need to do is tell Access where we want to get the data from. But instead of choosing data from a table, we're going to use the query that we built in the last movie. In this case, I'll just select it from the drop down list here. Next we need to tell Access which fields we want to use from that query. I'm going to take everything from the Available Fields section and move it over to Selected Fields. A shortcut way to do that is just to press this double headed arrow button here. That will move everything from Available to…
