From the course: ASP.NET Core: Middleware


- [Jeff] Hello, and welcome to ASP.NET Core Middleware - Building the HTTP Pipeline. My name is Jeff Fritz, and in this course we're going to talk about ASP.NET Core Middleware, and how we build HTTP pipelines to manage requests into our web applications. ASP.NET Core has these design tenets that we've seen previously. It's totally modular. They want to be able to get you into the cloud easier with your web application environment. ASP.NET Core is open source. It has a fast development cycle, and allows you to develop quickly. You can use your own editor and tools. It's cross-platform, and of course, it's fast. In this topic, we're going to focus on the totally modular aspect of ASP.NET Core because we're going to add modules and features into our application. In referencing the modular tenet, we're going to be looking at the modular creation of an HTTP application pipeline that processes every request to our application. That pipeline is configured by default in the startup.configure method of an ASP.NET Core application. When we look at this configure method, you're going to see three keywords that are used over and over. Run, which defines a delegate that terminates processing, use, which executes a delegate and then proceeds to do the next element in the pipeline, and finally map. We're going to conditionally execute a method, and then not return to the pipeline.
