From the course: ASP.NET: Security

Sample application tour

From the course: ASP.NET: Security

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Sample application tour

- [Instructor] As always, Ctrl + F5 starts the web application, or if you want to use debugging, just F5 or click on that button here. The default browser should open up on localhost port 44329, you should get the same port because it's part of the project configuration. The stoppage here looks more or less like the original, but once you click here on that shop link, it's all mine. You have to log in in order to get access to that shop. We will see later where the users for that are stored, but first of all, let's just log in with one of our users we have, Adam who has a very long, well not that long but still too long for me to type, password. I log in as Adam, and then I see a list of all the categories that we have in that shop, well all of them have the same picture, but different categories have different articles. So for instance, let's say active wear men has jeans, shirts, et cetera, but if you go to mineral water, we have some really yummy flavors like lemon lime mineral water, let's add this to the cart and you'll see we have now one item in our shopping cart for $2.80, and how about, oh I love raspberry, raspberry mineral water, now two items. And maybe let's spend some more, since I'm on a roll, how about some, oh some publications because while I'm drinking all of that raspberry and lemon lime water, I probably want to read a book, so let's just buy this book. Eventually, I go into the shopping cart where I see a list of all of the items I've put in there and then I can just click on Order. How does the shop know my address, my credit card details, et cetera? Well, it just knows, let's leave it at that. So I click on Order and then, and I put a break point in here, we create a order and then redirect to the thank you view, so let's continue there. And you'll see that the bagging works as well, and it says Thank You and we have an order number. The order number happens to be one because well, there's only one order at the moment in the system. So far, so good. Now, if you were an administrator, you would know the secret admin URLs, for instance AdminOrders which gives a list of all the orders in the system including a detailed view of the order and also the total amount of the order, right? And finally, if you click on your profile here, you can log out. Basically, that's it. The only other thing here is, you see the temperature? Well, just a question mark, so where is the temperature because our API is running. a little bit later in the course. Now, let's go get acquainted with the solution, run it, read the readme file in case you run into any issues. Once you're done with that, we can have a look at various security topics in ASP.NET. at various security topics in ASP.NET.
