From the course: Learning Cloud Service APIs

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Understanding public sector APIs

Understanding public sector APIs

From the course: Learning Cloud Service APIs

Understanding public sector APIs

So far in this course. We've examined API's for specific devices. Social media companies and corporate entities. In this chapter we'll take a look. At one of the broadest and most accessible cross sections. API's for the public sector. Just to clarify by public sector I'm talking about government. Primary federal but also state, local, and city. Because our government is of the people, what they produce is publicly available. And increasingly what they produce is information. In general, access to public information via APIs is more available and simpler to work with than some of the other APIs that we covered in this course. In my experience, few agencies require full developer registration, most don't even ask for a API key at this time anyway. And all are available at no cost. Again, the caveat being as of this recording. API operations are similarly straightforward. HTTP based REST interfaces are by far the most common, perhaps because they're so easy to use there doesn't seen to…
