From the course: Canon 5D Mark III Essential Training

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Using auto white balance

Using auto white balance

Different types of light shine with different colors. For example, tungsten lights are redder, or warmer, than fluorescent light. Now, while your eye does an amazing job of adjusting automatically to different types of light, so that colors always look correct, your camera doesn't fare so well. Your camera has to be calibrated to the type of light that you are shooting in. If it's not, then colors are going to appear wrong. This process of calibration is called white balancing. Now, the idea is that you calibrate the camera, so that white appears correct. Because white contains all other colors, if you can get white looking good, then you get all the other colors for free. By default, your camera is set to auto white balance. With auto white balance, the camera will attempt to continuously white balance itself on the fly as you shoot. Your Mark III defaults to auto white balance, and you can see that indicated right here on the status display; that's what that AWB stands for. If yours…
