From the course: Canon 5D Mark III Essential Training

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Exploring other autofocus options

Exploring other autofocus options - 5D Tutorial

From the course: Canon 5D Mark III Essential Training

Exploring other autofocus options

In the last movie, you saw how your Mark III defaults in Program mode to a single autofocus point, but it's one that you can steer around to place on very specific things in your image if you need to. Your Mark III has many other focus modes, though, for controlling autofocus points. I'm going to cycle through to the next one. To change to different autofocus area modes you first press the autofocus point selection button, just like you would if you're going to steer a point around. And then you press the multi-function button; the one that's back here behind the shutter button. And when you do that, you should move on to the next mode, which you see here. This is autofocus point expansion mode, and as you can see, it has lit up four points around the center point. Focus is still happening around that center point, but if I'm in a servo tracking mode, those other four points around that point will be used to improve the tracking reliability. Now, as with single point autofocus, I can…
