From the course: 3ds Max: Substance to V-Ray

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Using the flattened PSD in V-Ray

Using the flattened PSD in V-Ray - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max: Substance to V-Ray

Using the flattened PSD in V-Ray

- [Instructor] So we have made good use of the V-Ray-specific JPEGs that we saved out of painter and have seen how to set up the gamma or color profile settings for them as we brought them into max or after we had added them to the slide editor's work area. What we want to do now, of course, is see how we can make use of the metal roof PSD file that we also saved out of substance painter. Now just to be clear, we are talking about the initial, flattened version that we saved here, as there really is no reason for us to try and make use of the fully-layered versions here inside of Max. That particular export option is very obviously designed to help those who will want to use other painter image editing tools in their arsenal in order to augment and enhance the textures that they are creating. To make a start then, the first we will need to do is open up the material editor, jump into the robot wheel tab, and then drop a physical material onto the canvas. Let's also add a bitmap node…
