From the course: 3ds Max 2018: Mastering UVW Mapping

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The UVW Unwrap modifier

The UVW Unwrap modifier

- [Instructor] The only way to really gain control over how and where our map and coordinates are placed on a match would be to flatten out the UV's and then carefully craft the placements of them. For this reason, the unwrap UVW modifier can in many ways be described as the most powerful and versatile part of 3DS max's UVW mapping tool set. Before we run through an overview of the options found on the map modifier, we will first of all need to go ahead and apply it to a portion of our robot geometry. In this instance, the hand nearest the camera should do nicely. And so lets select that. Come over to the modifier tab, and if I start to type un in the modifier list, you can see that we jump straight to the unwrap UVW modifier. Meaning, we can just hit the enter key in order to apply it. As the geometry already has our test material applied to it, we straight away see the test map image pop into place in the view pod. And we also, in the command panel, see the variety of tools that…
