From the course: 3ds Max: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Removing polygon detail with Freeform Optimize

Removing polygon detail with Freeform Optimize - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

Removing polygon detail with Freeform Optimize

- [Instructor] Starting this week I'd like to start shining a light on some of the tools available in the modeling ribbon. There are many cool features in the ribbon, despite it's reputation for a cumbersome interface. I've covered some of the ribbon tools in the various 3ds Max essential training courses, but there were just too many to include. And that's a good problem to have, I'd rather have too many options than too few. This series gives us the opportunity to cover the ribbon modeling tools in greater depth. This week we'll look at the Freeform optimize tool, which is actually many tools in one. It's purpose is to sketch away detail on a polygon mesh. A typical use case would be a mesh that needed to be manually re-triangulated. Maybe you have a mesh like this one, that's not well structured for sub division. Let's turn on edged faces with the F4 hotkey. So that we can see the wire frame on the selected sculpture of the Athena head. And it's not well structured for sub…
