From the course: 3ds Max: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Stacking objects with Select and Place

Stacking objects with Select and Place - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

Stacking objects with Select and Place

- [Instructor] The placement tool, also known as select and place let's you easily stack things on top of other things. You'll find it in the edit menu, edit, placement. But that just activates this button on the main tool bar, select and place. So we might as well click on that instead. When it's active you can click and select any object and then drag over on to another object and if the pivot point and the placement options are set up correctly then the object will position and rotate according to the surface that you dragged to. But as we can see in this case we didn't get the result that we wanted. So let's get in closer there with the Z key and grab the move tool and go into local coordinate space and just drag that object out and we can investigate. We can see that the positive Y axis is pointing up along the length of the object spine. So we want the up access for the placement tool to be positive Y. Let's grab…
