From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training

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Setting rotation Axis Order

Setting rotation Axis Order - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max 2017 Essential Training

Setting rotation Axis Order

- [Voiceover] The last major consideration in setting up a hierarchy before you create any links is to set the rotation order for the three X, Y, and Z axes. In 3D, there is actually an order to operations. You don't see that order, it's not a chronological order, it's a logical order. And in 3D, generally speaking, an object is going to be positioned, and then rotated, and then scaled, in that order, logically. And even within rotations, there is an order of operations to the rotations. An object will have a priority of rotations. You can almost think of it as the rotation axes having their own hierarchy. Let's see what that looks like. I'll select the shoulder object, go to the Rotate tool, and I'm in Gimbal reference coordinate system. And let's make the transform gizmo a bit larger, just to make it even more clear. You can use the equals sign on your keyboard to make that gizmo larger, or the minus sign to make it smaller. There it's nice and big on our screen. In Gimbal mode, if…
