From the course: 3ds Max 2019 Essential Training

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Projecting UVs with UVW Map

Projecting UVs with UVW Map - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max 2019 Essential Training

Projecting UVs with UVW Map

- [Narrator] To apply a 2D map, such as a bitmap or a FileMap onto a surface, we need to supply instructions on how to apply that 2D image onto a 3D surface. And those instructions are known as mapping coordinates or sometimes UVLayout. U and V refer to the space of the image itself. So U is the horizontal and V is the vertical dimension of the 2D image. And that's different from the 3D space of XYZ Cartesian coordinates, because the UV space can wrap around 3D objects in complex ways, like a piece of paper or a piece of rubber. So it can be crumpled and folded in all sorts of ways. So UV space is not the same as 3D space. UV space is the space measured on the surface of an imaginary texture. Okay, so we've got bitmaps attached to the physical material here, and we've visualized those by making the physical material display shaded materials in the viewport, but we're not seeing anything on the wall here where that material is assigned, except for a flat brown color. And it's because…
