From the course: 3ds Max: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Parametric soft transforms with Affect Region

Parametric soft transforms with Affect Region - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

Parametric soft transforms with Affect Region

- [Instructor] Soft selection is a great tool for modeling and it's found in the editable poly and editable mesh objects and their associated modifiers. But soft selection is generally a destructive process. You can't really reverse the operations of soft selection. So it's not really well suited to situations in which you want to change the level of detail of a model, for example. For that you need some parametric solution and it is possible to use soft selection in combination with a selection modifier, but that's actually pretty cumbersome and gets kind of complicated. However there's an easier way, which is the effect region modifier. I've got a simple plane here and I'm going to apply the effect region, allowing me to move part of the model around and change its shape. Then I'll be able to go and change the level of detail of the model afterward. I'll select that plane. Go to the modify panel. We see it's a…
