From the course: 3ds Max: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Modeling with the updated Chamfer modifier

Modeling with the updated Chamfer modifier - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

Modeling with the updated Chamfer modifier

- [Instructor] The Chamfer modifier has been updated to give us more creative options for chopping off and rounding off corners. And it actually has become sort of a modeling tool all in itself. I'm going to use this very simple polygon object for testing so that we're not bogged down by the specifics of any particular polygon model. And although this is not really a production example, it will help us understand how the Chamfer modifier tools work. I'll select that object and go over to the Modify panel. And it's currently in Editable Poly object, which allows me to make sub-object selections to pass up the stack to the Chamfer modifier. I'll go into Edge sub-object mode. And select these three interior edges here, holding down the control key. And also these three edges up at the top. And with those six edges selected, I'll go to the modifier list, and add the Chamfer modifier. The most important thing in the Chamfer…
