From the course: 3ds Max: Cinematography for Visualization

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Locking transforms in the Hierarchy panel

Locking transforms in the Hierarchy panel - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max: Cinematography for Visualization

Locking transforms in the Hierarchy panel

- [Instructor] Once we have the framing that we like we might want to lock the camera in order to prevent accidental movement. With a camera and target we want to lock the position. If it's a free camera with no target then we want to lock it's position and rotation. This one's a target camera. Let's select the target and the camera. Click the target box in the top view and hold down control and click the camera as well. Then go over to the hierarchy panel, and choose Link Info. And here we have locks for Move, Rotate, and Scale. Once again, with a targeted camera we don't need to worry about rotation. We can just lock the movement of all three axis. And now, if we select the camera or it's target, grab the move tool, we can't move either one. And we also can't do anything in the view port here either with the keyboard shortcuts or the navigation icons. Let's look at the case of a camera without a target. Select that camera, once again. Go into the Modify panel and, this time, up at…
