From the course: 3ds Max: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Keyframing modeling commands with the Edit Poly Animate mode

Keyframing modeling commands with the Edit Poly Animate mode - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

Keyframing modeling commands with the Edit Poly Animate mode

- [Instructor] The Edit Poly modifier has the ability to animate certain commands, such as extrude. There are some limitations around this, but you may find it useful. I've got a plane here that I want to extrude upward and over to the side, it's currently an editable poly object. Let's select it and go to the modify panel and add an Edit Poly modifier. Edit Poly. We have two modes, Model and Animate. Let's choose Animate and change our current time to frame 15. Enable Auto Key Mode. Then go into Polygon sub-object mode. In the Edit Polygons rollout, click the Extrude options, which is labeled Settings. And then select some polygon and increase the height value. In fact, let's set it to exactly one meter. Press Enter. Now, if we click the check box, that operation will be completed. If we scrub in the timeline, we'll see that we've got an animated extrusion. All right, that's pretty cool. Now, one thing to keep…
