From the course: 3ds Max 2018: Mastering UVW Mapping

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How pelt mapping works

How pelt mapping works

- [Instructor] Although in many situations, the basic peel tools that we have already looked at will work out just fine for us, the simple truth is that when we come to start mapping more complex and perhaps irregular shapes, we will probably find ourselves more often than not needing to reach for the Pelt Mapping tools. In this exercise then, we will want to become familiar with the way in which the Pelt Mapping tools that works. Once we've done that, we will be able to move on and take a look in our final exercise for the chapter at making use of the Pelt Mapping system. As its position in the rollout here suggests, Pelt Mapping is really just a variant of 3ds Max's Peel tools. This means that the initial steps to using Pelt Mapping follow the same basic workflow. With our robot head geometry selected then, let's in Edge subject mode, select one of the chamfered edges on the receiver here and loop the selection. We will always want to place our seams where we feel the object will be…
