From the course: 3ds Max 2018: Mastering UVW Mapping

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Displaying viewport maps correctly

Displaying viewport maps correctly - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max 2018: Mastering UVW Mapping

Displaying viewport maps correctly

- [Instructor] Two important elements that can make our unwrapping work more productive and more pleasurable will be the speed and fidelity of our viewport display. Obviously the higher the quality at which we can display and work with our maps and materials, the more accurate our UVW mapping can be. To this end, we will perhaps want to spend the majority of our time working with 3ds Max's realistic viewport mode enabled and have it powered by the direct X11 Nitrous Display driver. To make certain that 3ds Max is indeed set up this way, let's come first of all to the Customize menu, open up the Preference Settings dialog and then jump into the Viewports tab. The section we are wanting to check is right down at the bottom entitled Display Drivers. If I click on the Choose Driver button, you can see by means of the dropdown that we have access to a number of display driver types each of which can be useful for particular workflows and types of hardware. By default, the Nitrous Direct 3D…
