From the course: 3ds Max: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Creating custom attributes with the Parameter Editor

Creating custom attributes with the Parameter Editor - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

Creating custom attributes with the Parameter Editor

at custom attributes. A custom attribute is a parameter that you can add to any object. It's serves many functions allowing the creation of rigs to automated relationships between various scene elements. In this case we will use a custom attribute as a master track for a reaction controller. As we will see next week, the reaction controller is a very cool feature that lets you edit the relationship between animation tracks using a function curve. In next week's movie, we'll use the reaction controller to create an automated ball bounce. As we move the ball, it will bounce automatically according to a function curve that we can edit. But the reaction controller has some limitations. For example, we can't loop the effect. So in this case, custom attributes and the expression controller will come to our aid. I've got a ball and a helper object and the ball is a child of the helper. Just to prove that I'll grab the Move tool and select the helper object and move it and the ball follows…
