From the course: 3ds Max 2019 Essential Training

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Conforming one object to another

Conforming one object to another - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max 2019 Essential Training

Conforming one object to another

- [Instructor] Another very cool feature of freeform modeling is the ability to conform one surface to another. And that comes in very handy in a situation like this where I want the road to conform to the surface of the underlying landscape. If I select that road and orbit around we can see that it's just floating above the landscape currently. To conform one object to another you need to follow some very strict procedures, and it's not really intuitive and you'll have to follow this process precisely to get it to work. First and foremost, both of the objects have to be editable poly. And the road that I currently have selected is a plane primitive. And I can tell that even though the modify panel, the entire command panel is hidden. When I select the object and the freeform ribbon is completely blank, that means the selected object is not an editable poly, so it must be a plane. I'm going to convert that to editable poly, right click, and choose convert to, convert to editable poly.…
