From the course: 3ds Max 2019 Essential Training

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Choosing render options

Choosing render options

- [Instructor] Let's set up some render parameters for a draft quality rendering of this simple camera movement. The camera moving across the space in an arc. If you're interested in high end production rendering with a global illumination engine such as ART or Arnold, I recommend that you check out some of the other excellent courses we have in the online training library here. Those are very deep topics, and there's no way we're going to be able to cover those in an Essential Training course. So I'm going to do a simple draft quality rendering with the Quicksilver hardware renderer. Let's go into the Render Setup dialog. And the target mode is set to production rendering mode. And I'll switch the renderer over to Quicksilver. Previously in the course in the chapter on cameras, I talked a little bit about the output size of the rendering. Here I've got a small output size, 640 by 360 with an aspect of 16 by nine or 1.7 repeating. And that's appropriate for a draft quality rendering…
