From the course: 3ds Max 2019 Essential Training

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Baking subdivisions

Baking subdivisions

- [Narrator] Quite often at the end of a subdivision surface modeling project you'll need to bake the subdivisions, or burn them in, and make that subdivision permanent. And that's especially the case if you need to make very small, polygon-level adjustments to a subdivision surface model. So, for example, what I want to do in this case, is I want to actually separate the seat cushion from the hardware below it. There's a plastic base that's holding up the seat cushion, and to preserve that order, and make sure that there's no gap, I will convert this object to an editable poly that'll bake in the subdivisions, and then I can detach the part that I want to. And that's something that I could not do unless I baked, because I can't access the individual polygons here. So if we select the object and go to the Modify panel, at the top level is Opensubdiv, and I actually can't select any of the subdivided polygons. Those are procedural. If I change the number of iterations, I change the…
