From the course: 3ds Max: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Assigning UVW coordinates in an OSL network

Assigning UVW coordinates in an OSL network - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

Assigning UVW coordinates in an OSL network

is the open shading language, or OSL. In previous movies in this weekly series, we looked at how to author OSL maps from scratch. Today I want to look at OSL from the perspective of anyone who wishes to use OSL maps but isn't necessarily interested in scripting. Specifically, the way that OSL maps handle mapping coordinates is new, exciting, and gives us many options that we didn't have before. I've got a simple object with an emissive material so that we can see the map very clearly. And this is just a box object and it's got a UVW map modifier applied. If we go to the modify panel, you'll see I've got a UVW map and it's assigned to map channel two. As you probably know, you can have many map channels per object in 3ds Max and you can use those to assign different parts of your shading network. In this case, I'm using it as a teaching tool to show you how OSL handles map channels. So at the bottom level of the stack I've got my box primitive and I'm generating mapping coordinates…
