From the course: 3ds Max: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

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Animating effects with Data Channel Decay

Animating effects with Data Channel Decay - 3ds Max Tutorial

From the course: 3ds Max: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

Animating effects with Data Channel Decay

- [Instructor] The Data Channel Modifier has many options for manipulating object information such as scale. Today we'll look at the decay operator which lets us process animation data to insert time-based effects in the Data Channel stack. In a previous movie, I showed how to drive the scale of elements with the position of a helper object. And I'll play the animation in this scene to show you that the size of the cubes is driven by the position of the helper object. A decay operator will let us manipulate that scale data over time to create a sort of motion trail effect where the cubes stay scaled up after the helper has moved away. I'll stop that and position it on a frame where we can actually see the cubes. And select them. Go over to the Modify panel and you'll see that I have a Data Channel modifier in place. And we've got a Node Influence and Transform Elements operators both in Sub Object Mode Vertex and that is required for the decay operator. It only works on vertices, not…
