From the course: Rapid Prototyping for Product Design

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Understanding makes and types of CNC machines

Understanding makes and types of CNC machines

From the course: Rapid Prototyping for Product Design

Understanding makes and types of CNC machines

In this movie we're going to take a look at some of the various types of CNC machines out there, and some of the different manufacturers. One of the key most fundamental CNC machines you're going to see in almost every shop, is going to be a three axis mill. Haas is one of the more popular brands out there, and this is a picture of one of their machines. And they have a nice little 3D view of it, so I just figured I'd show you this and this is kind of what this machine looks like. And you can spin it around, you can see up here the various different tools that I have in the machine. Right here is the chip augers, so the chips are made inside the machine are come up through that hole and out. You've got the different sized tables. So, this is probably a 30 by 16 machine, they have them smaller than that and much bigger than that. So depending on the size of material you're going to be using, these machines have coolant, they have tools, they have a bunch of different features, but they…
