From the course: Rapid Prototyping for Product Design

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Exploring materials and equipment for molding

Exploring materials and equipment for molding

From the course: Rapid Prototyping for Product Design

Exploring materials and equipment for molding

So I'm with Troy Peterson from BJB and he's technical sales and he really knows just about everything there is to know about the resin moulding process. So we're going to take a look at some of the materials and processes and tools that are going to be needed to actually mould a part. So Troy, tell us a little bit at what we're looking about in front of here is what, what are these compounds and what do we need to get started? >> Sure, sure, okay, well first and foremost we've got to look at our mold material itself is silicon. This is a two part A and B system. It's a material that you would mix at a given ratio. You have a certain amount of work time, this is I've got about a 40 minute work time or so, that means it's still liquid when you're pouring it. And this is appears at room temperature, and this what we're going to >> And that, that's what we're looking at this, this blue material here. >> Exactly. Gallon kit will do roughly about a mold this size. >> Okay, great, so. And…
