From the course: Unreal Engine: Lunchtime Lessons

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Use parameters to adjust materials

Use parameters to adjust materials - Unreal Engine Tutorial

From the course: Unreal Engine: Lunchtime Lessons

Use parameters to adjust materials

- [Instructor] When we work in Unreal there are many times when we'll have to fine-tune and adjust our materials. We can make that a little bit easier using what are called parameters. I'm George Mastry and today we'll take a look at adding parameters to materials. So here I have a simple scene with a simple object and a simple material. Now if we go into our Materials folder you'll see it's called BasicMaterial. If I double-click on that you'll see that this material basically just has some simple constants plugged into the main parameters of the material. So we have Color, Metallic, Specular, and Roughness. And all of these are constants. So if I wanted to say change the color all I would have to do is click on this Color value and you'll see we have this constant. If I take a look at changing that, let's say I wanted to change it to a darker blue or something like that, you can see that it changes in the material, but it doesn't change in the scene. It only changes once I hit Save.…
