From the course: Unreal Engine: Lunchtime Lessons

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Set up raytracing in Unreal 4.22.3

Set up raytracing in Unreal 4.22.3 - Unreal Engine Tutorial

From the course: Unreal Engine: Lunchtime Lessons

Set up raytracing in Unreal 4.22.3

- [George] Hi, I'm George Maestri. And in case you haven't heard, Unreal has a lot of new ray tracing features that take advantage of NVIDIA's new RTX technology. Now, I'm going to show you how to set it up to use an NVIDIA card. Now in order for this to work, you need a supported NVIDIA card. And so that's a 2000 series, so like a 2080 or 2070, something like that. The latest NVIDIA drivers and the latest version of Windows. So hopefully, you have all that installed. And so let's go ahead and just show you quickly how to set up RTX ray tracing in Unreal. Now it's actually a pretty straight forward process. So all you have to is change some things in your project settings and then restart. We're going to select edit, project settings. And this brings up a window with lots of project settings. Now the first thing we need to do is we need to set the Windows version to use DirectX. So I'm going to go down to platforms…
