From the course: Unreal Engine: Lunchtime Lessons

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Select and replace assets

Select and replace assets

- Hi, I'm George Mastry. This week, we're going to look at how to search and replace objects in Unreal. Now, this really handy when you want to block in a scene, but you don't have final geometry or you might not want to have the weight of that geometry. What we can do is select all similar objects and then replace them with a different object. So let's see how to do this. It's actually pretty simple. So here, I have a scene with kind of a proxy for a series of columns and beams. And as you can see, I've got these objects called Beam Proxies and then these objects called Column Proxies. Now, I want to replace them with actual, real columns and real beams. So here, I have a beam and a column that are actually modeled exactly the way that I want. So all we need to do is select one of the proxies. In this case, I'm selecting a column. And then we write right click over it and I want to select Matching All Classes, or…
