From the course: 21 Foundations of Animation

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Pushing the pose

Pushing the pose

- [Instructor] Let's look at a very common design challenge you'll find with silhouettes and that's controlling negative space. And we have a big negative space with his physical right arm on his hip, and then there's a tiny one, a little white spec, on the far side. The problem I have with these kind of shapes is that they tend to look eye-catching. They're a little too small to really deserve being there. So there's a couple of different solutions to this. The first is to get rid of it. Just move the arm. The second and the stronger is make it a little bigger. So this is the kind of size of negative shape that will be much stronger than something like that. This is just a little feeble, and that little white triangle actually looks a little distracting if anything. So get rid of it or make it bigger. That's a pretty good rule of thumb. Nine times out of 10 that's a good approach to take. Again, our friendly wizard,…
