From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Perspective: Intermediate

Perspective: Intermediate

- [Instructor] I want to give you a quick example of perspective and how peculiar it can be. So in this case we have two telegraph poles on a road, and a big horizon. And I want you guess where the telegraph pole that will be exactly half way between these poles will be. So an old art director that I used to work with gave me a hint for how to find it, which is, well the dotted line is basically what a power line would be between them, so it's again, pointing exactly toward the horizon line here. You draw an X between each corner and then the midpoint, that is where the second or the half way point will be. So this is obviously going to be important when you're animating objects moving toward the camera, you can't, it's very difficult to gauge precisely where the half way point will be. It's usually a little further back than you always imagine. And of course the same principle applies to the ones between those, so you can then apply the same point. And again, this pole here, it's…
