From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Elderly mouth shapes

Elderly mouth shapes

- [Instructor] Here's a really fun dialogue action that emerged from some sketches that I created for my previous course on how to draw animated characters. It's got a lot of squash and stretch as well as being really interesting to look at. So initially as part of that drawing course, I wanted to show how to illustrate older characters, those with some weight and wrinkles and loose skin, and so I did this quick character sketch and then I just designed these three shapes in profile, and as I drew them I even had a mental image of granny coming up to her poor little grandkid going, come here, give granny a kiss (puckers lips) like that, I mean, actually imagine that 'cause you really want to get inside the head of these characters, so that was a really nice fun looking drawing with a lot of vitality to it even though she's very very old, a lot of personality there. So how would you go about creating a dialogue scene with that? So here's the final sequence. I'm naming the mouths with…
