From the course: 2D Animation: Tips and Tricks

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Counterpose: Advanced

Counterpose: Advanced

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at how we apply counterpulls, or torque, to an inanimate object. In this case, it's sort of a coffee mug or some cylindrical object. So one thing that's nice to do is to treat the object as though it was made out of flesh and bone. And in this case, I've done that by adding some counterpulls. If we overlay hips and shoulders on top of the object, you can see that I've begun just doing it. We're twisting and torquing as best as we can with such a simple form. But even with something as simple as this we can do it, especially here. You can see I'm tilting the shoulders away from the hips. Here, too. And here also. As you can see, when we animate the object, we're getting a very nice sensation that we're looking at a living thing. So again, this is creating the illusion that we're looking at a living creature, not just a cylinder. And of course, we can do this with many objects. In this case, a slightly more complex one, a broom. And the bristles of the…
