From the course: Unity 3D 2019 Essential Training

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Block the floor with ProBuilder

Block the floor with ProBuilder - Unity Tutorial

From the course: Unity 3D 2019 Essential Training

Block the floor with ProBuilder

- [Instructor] I hope you had success building the fences. If not, you can import the package called fence in the exercise files. In any project within Unity, it's always important to block out your scene, first, with geometry and ProBuilder is perfect for this. After we've reviewed what I've done for the fences, let's continue working on our backyard to block out all the elements that we'll add into our scene. What I've done in between the last video and this one is add those three fences, here. The way I calculated those fence is by measuring the units, here, by the same width we've done before, or the same length that we've done before. This one was 15 long by 0.25 units. And, the same for this one, it was wide by 10 units. And then, high by three units. And, the same thing for this one, so three units high. And then, the last one, here, was three units high by 2.5 long. This way, we are adding three fences around…
