From the course: The Power of PreViz at One & Co

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What's your favorite story related to previsualization?

What's your favorite story related to previsualization?

From the course: The Power of PreViz at One & Co

What's your favorite story related to previsualization?

(music playing) Scott Croyle: Everybody has been in a meeting where their phone is ringing, maybe with their manager or maybe with the CEO, and it's kind of embarrassing, or maybe they are at the dinner table and it's ringing. There are two elements that are there. One is we are using the proximity sensor to basically say I'm either face down or I'm in someone's purse and now I notice I have been picked up, what's going to happen next. And it realizes that I'm either coming out of the purse. So I should reduce my volume level or I'm picking it up and turning it over. So I just sense the state change. So you put people in the shoes of something that they can relate to and they are immediately sold on the idea that, oh, I get the feature. Of course, it should do that. So it starts with a simple storyboard and once we've identified that this is a key feature, it's just a matter of going and sitting down with the engineering team and saying how can we do this? All of a sudden, with that…
