From the course: Sketching an F1 Wheel with SketchBook Pro

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Adding button indentations

Adding button indentations

In this video, we're going to discuss how to create the indents or the raised portion of the rotary dials. If you notice the layer structure on the right hand side, the original is hidden. We have wireframe visible. We have our dials layer, and I've added a layer on top called indent. So that's our active layer right now. Zoom into one of these bases, and use the rectangle tool. We've got felt pen, white, small diameter, and I'm just going to create a rectangle like this. Let's go to our ellipse tool, and I'm going to scale the ellipse down to something like that. And just capture the lower portion of the ellipse. Let's go to our straight line tool, add two straight lines like this, go back to free stroke, hard erase, and we're just going to take off the top portion And these hard corners like that, and also the middle area. Let's zoom in. I'm going to go back to the felt pen and I'm just going to add some readiuses in like so. With that complete, we're going to go the rectangular…
