From the course: Insights on Automotive Design with Veejay Gahir

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How does automotive design compare to other fields like industrial design?

How does automotive design compare to other fields like industrial design?

From the course: Insights on Automotive Design with Veejay Gahir

How does automotive design compare to other fields like industrial design?

So really, the difference between industrial design and automotive design in my opinion, there is no difference. Because both designers have to take into consideration ergonomics. They have to con take into consideration human factors, engineering criteria, safety. So really the two are very, very similar. We would refer to industrial designers and automotive designers in the same, in the same let's say role. So there is no difference because the criteria that these guys have to work to is essentially the same today. And it's becoming more and more important that industrial designers have an appreciation for, for engineering. And engineering to some degree have an appreciation for what the industrial designers are doing.
