From the course: Insights on Automotive Design with Veejay Gahir

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Has education in the automotive industry changed?

Has education in the automotive industry changed?

From the course: Insights on Automotive Design with Veejay Gahir

Has education in the automotive industry changed?

It has changed, yes. The, the, the approach now is so apprenticeships are not so common. That's the first thing. I mean it's a huge investment from the side of the company to invest for four years in a person. And there's no guarantee that person's going to stay. So essentially, now you have to go to some of the recognized design schools and from there you have to just hope that you can get an internship at some of the big players, like the big OEMs. And then from there you can progress into a full-time position. So, yes it has changed. I mean, I was very lucky. We were on the tail end of apprenticeship. So now, it's a case of finding the right design school getting the education and engineering background, and then working into an internship.
