From the course: ZBrush: Sculpting Portraits

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Styling the hair

Styling the hair

- Now that we have the major volumes of the hair in place, it's time to move into the mid-range details. In this video, I'll show you how to establish the hairs flow and basic style. The main thing to think about at this stage is how break the hair up into its major chunks, and to give those chunks a direction. Spencer's hair is pretty simple. Really the major feature here is the part in the hair, right about here, and then there's the wave in the front of course. Let's get out the crease brush for this. It's one of the custom brushes that I provide with this course for free. To get that hit B, C, and you can hit Z or click here. Let's alter this draw size a little bit. With the crease brush, you want to get bigger draw size than you think you're going to need. Then you can start to draw in the part. Now Spencer's hair, the hair kind of covers the part a little bit, if you look at the references images, you'll see what I mean. I'm not going to be too specific with it. I'm going to…
