From the course: UX Foundations: Making the Case for Usability Testing

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What is usability testing?

What is usability testing?

Usability testing involves watching representative users working with your project so that you can make improvements based on what you see. Usability testing gives you invaluable feedback about how your users behave with your product. The thing that separates usability testing from many other research techniques, is that with usability testing you're seeing real behaviors. What people do rather than just asking what people think. Often, watching people do something is the only way to really understand where their issues lie and how to fix the problems you see. Knowing how users behave helps you create a much more suitable site or application. Rather than just guessing about what people might like or need, you can see their reactions firsthand. And then make sure your product contains just the right features. Getting the data from your users is a much better way of doing design work than arguing about features among the team. In fact, usability testing is a great way of stopping…
