From the course: Pro Video Tips

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Working with editors during pre-production

Working with editors during pre-production

From the course: Pro Video Tips

Working with editors during pre-production

- So the biggest piece of advice I would give to anyone considering hiring an editor is to make sure you bring them on board the project before you actually begin shooting. In your initial meeting, you want to discuss shooting formats, frame rates, coverage, special effects, and how you plan to shoot the most crucial or tricky scenes. Make sure you include the DP in these conversations as well, whenever possible. You also want to write up a master list of requirements and notes for yourself on things such as Camera and format recommended, Framing, do you need to leave room for lower thirds or graphics on certain shots? If so, you better mark them on the shot list and make sure the DP knows as well. Camera moves, what are the best speeds or techniques you need to use to get certain results that you want in post? Must get coverage. Are there certain camera angles that you need to get? What are the minimum shots that you're going to need to make each sequence work? Necessary paperwork…
