From the course: Pro Video Tips

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Tips for recording audio at live events

Tips for recording audio at live events

From the course: Pro Video Tips

Tips for recording audio at live events

- This week on Pro Video Tips we're going to discuss a few of the different methods you can use to record audio of live events. So that might be as simple as a single speaker, or a one-woman stage show, or as involved as a three-act play, or a full band on stage. One of your primary concerns when covering these type of performances, especially those involving music. will be the quality of the audio. If you've read any of my books or watched any of my previous Lynda courses, you already know my mantra, "Your audio is more important than your video". Well that saying is doubly true when recording a band or musical artists doing their thing on stage. If you're shooting audio for a performance that will ultimately be part of a live album, act as a demo for their live performance, or become part of a larger film project, the quality of the audio should be as professional and clean as possible. One of the many reasons I say that your audio is more important than your video is that there are…
