From the course: Pro Video Tips

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Shooting an overhead tabletop demo with a mirror

Shooting an overhead tabletop demo with a mirror

From the course: Pro Video Tips

Shooting an overhead tabletop demo with a mirror

- One of the challenges of shooting certain tabletop content and demonstrations is getting a good camera angle that gives a nice overview, but also allows you to capture important details of what people are doing with their hands from their point of view. So, mainly I'm talking about things like how-to demos or food segments. Think someone demonstrating how to assemble or fix something small, like a watch or electronic circuit board, or a cooking segment where a chef is working with ingredients on a table. Of course, if you wanna see all this action from above, you can always break out some grip gear and mount a small camera overhead shooting down on the table, but the potential problems with this set up are that first, you're only gonna be limited to just that one shot. Second, you'd also need a more complicated setup involving long cables and an additional monitor if you wanna see what you're doing. And third, unless you had some means to remotely control the camera, you'd probably…
