From the course: Pro Video Tips

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Scouting locations for a stealth shoot

Scouting locations for a stealth shoot

From the course: Pro Video Tips

Scouting locations for a stealth shoot

- So, the most important step if you wanna be successful at stealth shooting, is to plan out your execution ahead of time. Primarily, this means scouting out the location for security, the best shooting angles, and best spots where you're most likely to go unnoticed. When possible, you wanna look for camera possitions that are obscured from easy public view. You're hoping for a little nook or cranny, or a big column, or other shadowy or hidden area that allows you to frame up the location but still keep your camera position as low key as possible. Think under a pier, under a big shaded tree, or on the other side of a small structure. Even your own production vehicle can service cover for a camera position if it fits into the surroundings. Even more so than with other location scouts, time of day is a big factor to take into consideration when scouting a stealth location. It's important to try to observe the location on the same time of day, and preferably on the same day of the week…
