From the course: Pro Video Tips

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Creating a visual heat-wave effect

Creating a visual heat-wave effect

From the course: Pro Video Tips

Creating a visual heat-wave effect

- Now I want to share a common effect that you've seen many times, especially in desert scenes, street scenes, and westerns, but also pretty much in any scene where the heat is a major factor in the story, and that's how to create visual heatwaves that are strong enough to actually register on camera regardless of the actual temperature on location. And while this technique has been around for awhile, it was first shared with me personally by veteran DP Julio Macat, who shot Home Alone, Ace Ventura, and many other films, so shout out to Julio for putting me down with it so I can put you down with it. Now this is a nice little cinematography trick to have up your visual story telling sleeve because it's often a challenge as a filmmaker to find an effective way to visualize senses and concepts such as smell, touch or temperature. These are all powerful things that affect us in real life but can often only be eluded to on screen with indirect visual cues, such as someone's reaction to a…
