From the course: Pro Video Tips

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Adding appropriate titles and FX

Adding appropriate titles and FX

From the course: Pro Video Tips

Adding appropriate titles and FX

- Another element you can use to great effect to help your work look considerably more professional is well-composed and topic-appropriate titles and visual effects. Good titles and effects don't necessarily cost money, but they do take some skill and time to create from scratch. If you develop some skills with your NLE's title and effects tools, or better yet, if you become proficient with popular visual effects software like Adobe After Effects or Cinema 4D, there's no end to how clever you can get with titles and effects. And even if you're just becoming proficient in the popular edit programs like Premiere or Final Cut, there are many predesigned effects presets, plug-ins, and templates that you can purchase and in some cases download for free. Once installed, these video effects plug-ins and templates can often be applied as easily as selecting from a pull-down menu or simply dragging and dropping them and then adjusting and experimenting with the settings to get just the look…
