From the course: Camera Movement for Video Productions

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Sliders vs. dollies

Sliders vs. dollies

With contemporary Hollywood films, we are hard pressed to find a film that does not include extensive use of dollying or tracking shots. This type of camera movement can be accomplished with a dolly on tracks, a dolly on wheels, or, for faster setups, a Slider. Regardless of which hardware we decide to use, the principal of the movement remains the same. There are three ways we can set up the motion of the Dolly or Slider. The lines of motion can be perpendicular to the actions, which moves the camera forward and backward. Or parallel to the scene, which allows us to move side to side. Or in an arc, which will allow us to travel around the subject. These camera moves have a much different visual effect than simply panning or tilting the camera on a tripod. These moves give the camera mobility. We're no longer a passive spectator, who is viewing the scene from a fixed vantage point. In essence, we become part of the scene. We can walk alongside the character, or approach a scene to…
