From the course: Modeling a Motorcycle Engine with SOLIDWORKS

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Building the shafts of the flywheel

Building the shafts of the flywheel

- We will now use the "Revolve Boss Base" command to revolve the front shaft of our flywheel. The reason for using this tool instead of the "Extrude Boss Base" is so we can capture our required profile from a single sketch and extrude. Start a new sketch on the right plane. Using the "Spacebar" key to bring up the in-context "Do Your Orientations" dialog, we have easy access to the "Normal to" icon, which rotates the graphics view normal to our screen. Note the shortcut key is "Control+8", if you prefer to use that instead. Select the icon for a normal-to orientation. Follow my lead as I sketch the required profile, select the line tool, starting on the midpoint of the front edge of the underlying geometry. Sketch a vertical line, then a horizontal. Add a couple of steps similar to this. Add another horizontal line, then a vertical line down 'til we are perpendicular with the origin, which is denoted for us by the blue inference line and then back to our start point. Note that the…
