From the course: Pro Video Tips

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Positioning yourself for the interview

Positioning yourself for the interview

From the course: Pro Video Tips

Positioning yourself for the interview

- Whenever possible when it comes to interviews, I think it's best to work with a crew, a shooting partner, or at least an assistant to help manage equipment. It's always considerably harder anytime you have to play the simultaneous roles of DP, gaffer, audio person, director, and interviewer all at the same time. But the reality is that for many of us, shooting an interview solo is something we'll have to do sooner or later. Fortunately, there are a handful of techniques and practices that you can employ to take some of the risk out of the process, and make it easier to manage the technical aspects of video and audio, while also managing to engage the subject of your story in a compelling conversation. First up, let's talk about positioning. Assuming that you're right-handed, you'll probably find it easiest to sit on the left side of the camera so that you can operate the camera with your right hand. The most important thing, however, is that you sit close enough to the camera so…
